miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Earth 2100

Movie Review


Name of Movie: Earth 2100


Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie.  (50 words)


The movie is a kind of prediction about our human life and their relation with the world if we continuous our pace of life. In the film, principally, expound the irresponsibility of human in the use of no-renewable source like oil and the consequences if the leader of the world not-congregate their willpower change the world.


Write a review (200 words) of the video.  Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.

Personally, I think that the movie is not good, in fact, I bored a lot seeing it. I believe it, because the movie for me is like an attempt of exultation of all natural sins that United Estate has committed in the world. The experts that appear in the film seems forget the intention of Unite Estate for control oil reserves in Mexico, Venezuela, Iraq, so when in the film arise the scene in that China and India no want to reduce his emission, I think that director want to we believe: “Why, why… if E.E.U.U. only want to save us, it is a good country”. Another think that don’t like about the movie is the stigmatize with the Sudamerican and centroamerican people, incapable of achieve agreement in his country for do a new world, more sustainable, is like E.E.U.U. was our dad, who teach us how we have to do the things. Not that I do not agree with renewable energy and with turn this world in one more sustainable, I just say that don’t like the role that takes E.E.U.U in this game.


List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.


1.  I think that was interesting the idea of cover the earth with a gas that can help to the global warming, I don’t understood how can be possible.


2. I believe that is very good that there was a web site with information about the movie and climatic change, the people can follow inform-self.



3. In the movie, appear a lot the use of clean energy, and that is good, because the people that will see it, will know the alternative to oil and will think that a new world is possible


1 comentario:

  1. Carlos,

    WC: 334. A Little bit too many.

    I understand your point in your review, which is very interesting, but you need to work on the construction of the ideas. Make sure you use the correct name of the country you criticise: The USA, or United States. Some expressions are not used correctly, like "expound" or " if the leaders DO not congregate...(?)...

    You have a point of view, make sure you explain it correctly.


