viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Manal Al Shariff and Liberty, a double-edged sword

On the video we can see to Manal Al Shariff, a woman from Arabia Saudita, who explain about her experience in a society whit tradicion and behavior very chauvinistic. More specific, she talk about her attempt to drive (A forbidden thing in this country) in the street and the problem that meaned it to her, in so far as she happened some days in prision, she was defamed by newspaper and constantly threatened (She and her family) by stranger people.

Finally she tell to the public that her action inspiring to many women in the world whit the same condition and inspiring to herself for converted in an activisit for the women`s right in Arabia Saudita. Her campaign about women driven, diverted in undermine the prohibition of women driving and an increase of women politician.

I think that the fight of Manal Al Shariff for achieve the same rights between men and women is admirable, and I support her campaign about the emancipation of women in chauvinistic society like Arabia Saudita`s society. However I believe that this kind of campaign could be a double-edged sword, because, is truth that in Arabia the Islam is the way and the bases by the authorities impose a chauvinistic society, BUT, is truth too that this is only a branch of the Islam (Wahaabismo) that characterized to be fundamentalist and that was sponsored by USA and Britain government for kept and archaic society that allow the intervention of this countries in the administration of oil resources, the same things happened when in Siria and Irak were being established governments bounded to Shi`itas (A progressive branch of Islam). So, I think that this kind of campaign could hide the evil interest of some countries behind the “fight for liberty”.