lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

My Vacation

My Vacation

Sargazo lake
Hi everybody, the class start again, and I hope that you all has enjoyed the summer….for my part y have many stories for tell us. Me and and Mariana (my travel companion) decided backpack 
 to the south, and like the money doesn't appear in the trees we have to work and every day we wake up early in the morning and were doing fruit ice cube, then we sold it in the ferias meanwhile we should: RICOS LOS CUBOS HELADOS A DOSCIENTOS …

Well, after meet with sore throat, finally we could get the money and January 25 we started the travel to our first destiny: Isla Mocha. We carry to Tirúa early in the morning, it is a beautiful town, the people so love, and even a family invited us to lunch and passes one night with them. However, we can’t cross to Isla Mocha because there isn’t launch service to traverse to the island. It was a shame, we had really wanted us to know it…..but the journey continuous and we met many places and people, we went to Chiloe, Puerto Montt, Lago de todos los Santos in Puerto Varas and in some places more. If you want an advice, I have to recommend us, go to National park "Alerce Andino” three Hours of Puerto Montt , to the east. The Park is amazing, has beautiful and big woodland, and after walk many hours we arrive to beautiful lakes hidden in the middle in the mountains. Me and Mariana stumbled with a Chucao meanwhile we walk to the lake, who accompanied us all the way, according the Mapuche mythology this bird brings good news to the young that are traveling….and so was, because despite that sometimes the situation is self-conscious always some help  to us. 
National park "Alerce Andino"